Friday, February 26, 2010

Thank God it's Friday and the End of February

Thank God it's Friday and the End of February. This has been an eventful last couple of days for this month. Daughter popped out her ankle playin basketball. Friend's dog had unnecessary surgery (doctor sliced up her neck- to see what a lump was) the dog is only a miniture pincher (poor baby!) oh yeah also sliced up her rump same reason - and she was nutured (that's why she went to the vet). I'm gonna try to finishe cleanin the house (blah, blah, blah) and finish all the winter items for the store. Then on to the spring items, (maybe some sock, footies and bath puffs) see what I come up with and what's popular out in the world.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Time Gone By

Wow, how time has gone by. I had been working on a mohawk hat so I guess my daughter likes it can't wait to put a pic up on the blog for others to see. And I came up with a ski band. the weather was warming up  and sometimes a hat/cap is too much to wear but you  need the ears covered. I haven't decided if I will post some of my patterns yet.   So here is my pics of the ski band/you can go to the web site Expressive to see more.